EPC Buys your New and Used Electrical
Equipment! We are the New and Used
Electrical solution!
Electrical equipment we purchase:
- Circuit breakers
- MCC Buckets
- Transformers
- Switchboards
- Bus Plugs
- Switches
- Disconnects
- Air Breakers
- Motor control
- Panels
Sell To EPC:
Custom builds
Local? We Come to you! Have surplus inventory, need us to clean your electrical
demolition? Don’t Let the old used equipment be a hasell. No sense in letting it
go to your local landfill, we part out your old electrical equipment and recycle,
Plastics, Tin / Light Iron, Heavy metal, Copper and Wire. While going through the
material we come across the right reconditioned electrical components we can
sell at a refurbished pricing.
“There is no such thing as “away”. When we throw anything away it must go
somewhere.”—Annie Leonard
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